
Birthday Season

"The Holidays" have a special meaning for our family, it's one of the busiest times of year, not only because of Christmas and New Year's, but because we also celebrate three birthdays right there with it. That's right, three birthdays! First, is Isaac, who turned one this December 18th, then my little girl, Sienna turned three on December 30th and finally I turned 31 years old on January 4th. It is a special time for our family. But, as maybe some of you can imagine, it is also very overwhelming. I have not yet found a way to balance and create a space that truly honors each birthday among the chaos of travel, gifts, and festivities. By the time my birthday is passed down the table I am just to stuffed to partake of any festivities and merriment.

I have had only one birthday that stands out in my memory. The day I turned 21 years old. My mother, younger sisters and I walked. We walked with our dog Sammy through Valley Forge Park. It was a crisp day, but no gloves were needed. We walked and walked. The seemingly lifeless surrounding fields blanketed our conversations yet provided a backdrop that made every word I uttered feel as though a seed had been planted for my future. By the end of the walk I was so joyful. It was the cold, the conversation, the act of walking, and the majestic beauty of the park that left me feeling rejuvenated.

So, this year my goal is to let nature inspire our next birthday season. Maybe we'll all take a hike, or have a bonfire in the yard, or (gasp!) take a road trip to the beach in December! I will simplify, I will think outside the birthday box, and we will go outside for the next "Holiday Season."

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